Shining: Harmona acquired 12.1% of Regency’s bond loan

Harmona Energrises acquired 12.1% of the joint bond of Regency as announced by the Greek hotel company SA. The announcement: The Anonymous Company under the name of the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation, as in force today, and Article 17(1) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014, informs the investment public that the company HARMONA ENTERPRISES COMPANY LIMITED, in which the Company participates at a rate of 5%, paid on 31.12.2024 EUR 840.000, i.e. EUR 1.00 per Confession, to POSIA ENTERPRISES COMPANY LIMITED, within the framework of the acquisition of 840.000 common bonds of 23.08.2023 Common Bond Loan with the publisher of REGENCY ENTERTAINMENT DISHING AND TOURISING only with a nominal value of EUR 1,00, at a nominal value of EUR 1,9324 at a nominal amount of EUR 6,93. Therefore, HARMONA ENTERPRISES COMPANY LIMITED acquired 12.1% of the above Common Bond Loan. The price, which corresponds to the Company’s participation rate in HARMONA ENTERPRISES COMPANY LIMITED is 42,000,00 EUR 5% of the above Common Bond Loan.