“Sex and the City”: “Bloco” to fans – enters an iron gate on the steps of Carrie Bradshaw’s house

Forbidden to fans of the well – known series “, ” New York authorities put on, as they will no longer be able to sit on the steps of Carrie Bradshaw’s house. The owner of the perhaps more well-known house in Manhattan, New York, applied to the authorities to place an iron gate on Carrie Bradshaw’s steps played by Sarah Jessica Parker, as the fans of “Sex and the City” crowd on the spot and create a big problem. CORVERSE The New York Milestone Conservation Commission accepted the homeowner’s request in Manhattan to build a gate at the front of the “famous staircase”. The owner of the house, Barbara Lober, explained to the committee that it is necessary to build the portal to protect the building and its tenants from the constant flow of fans who come to see the steps and take pictures. Until then the residents had put in a prohibitive chain with signs that said it was forbidden to climb the stairs, but the fans seem to have disobeyed. CORVERSE “I literally hoped for decades that this would pass, but at this point I think even someone as stubborn as I must admit that he will not disappear in the near future,” he said at first. “My home is now a global tourist destination,” Lorber wrote on her application. “They climb over the chain, pose, dance or lie down on the stairs, climb to the top to look through the windows of the living room, try to open the door of the main entrance or, when drunk late at night, the bells ring. They have also painted graffiti on the steps and carved the main door frame,” the owner’s application also says.