Serbia: Parliament turned into a ring – Bounies and hair pull among MPs

Incredible wood fell today (25/11/2024) among Members in the during the 2025 budget debate. Opposition MPs in Serbia at the start of parliament raised signs showing bloody hands while shouting “Murderers, murderers”. The opposition holds the government responsible for the collapse of part of the roof at Novi Sad railway station, on November 1, when 15 people were killed and two were injured. Congressmen, reacting, rose from their seats, moved to their colleagues protesting and a fight ensued. Punches, slaps, hair pulls, and vulgar insults were heard. Fight of MPs in the Serbian Parliament. Kampf der Abgeordneten im Serbischen Parlament. 🤨 — Vladimir Maksimovic (@maxsan47) Police entering the hall at the order of the Speaker of the House with difficulty managed to prevent generalisation of the conflict. Serbian Parliament in chaos today! Serbia is in an absolute state of crisis since the Devastating tragedy when 15 people died after the canopy of the newly renovated train station collapsed in Novi Sad. — Andela Milivojevic (@djandjava) Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabic after temporarily interrupting the meeting came back a little while later and declared the budget debate to end. The opposition at a press conference called the House President’s decision a coup. Parlament Srbije, danas. Tuča, pljuvanje i vre Democracy president Aleksandar Vucic with an Instagram post accused the opposition of trying to terrorize citizens. He points out that the opposition parties’ goal was to prevent the budget being passed “to prevent pensioners from receiving increased pensions and public sector workers from seeing increased wages.” “They won’t get past them. Serbia will not stop!” Aleksandar Vucic ends his post. Photos: Reuters