See the πανεύκολους and natural ways to prevent cancer

Certainly exercise helps greatly in the removal of the risk of…
event cancer, as it contributes to the control of inflammation and the levels of
hormones, enhancing, at the same time, the immune system.
In fact, according to a study at the University of Vermont, the most fit men were 68% less likely to develop lung cancer and 38% less chance of cancer of the colon.
However, there are other things that reduce the risk.
See 9 simple ways to protect yourself from the cancer, in accordance with the conclusions of scientific investigations:
Make sure you can sleep well!
Research of the medical School of the University of Wisconsin showed that those who snore are almost five times more likely to die from cancer. At the same time, sleep apnea reduces oxygen levels in the blood, with the result that it is possible existing tumors to develop new blood vessels.
Eat nuts!
A study of Harvard University found that three walnuts daily to boost the levels of selenium in the body, reducing by 48% the risk of cancer of the prostate.
Attention to the fried!
According to a study by the Research Center for Cancer, in Seattle, those men consuming fried foods and desserts type of donut more than once a week, are at a 37% increased risk of prostate cancer.
Drink pomegranate juice!
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that the juice of the pomegranate hinders to a large extent the development of lung cancer. Also, other research has shown that delays prostate cancer k stabilizes PSA levels in men who have undergone treatment for cancer.
Increase the intake of vitamin D!
According to a publication in the journal “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, those who recruit through their diet sufficient quantities of vitamin D daily have reduced risk of cancer by 77%.
Don’t forget to do the exam!
As experts note, if all people over the age of 50 were subjected to regular examinations for cancer of the colon, 60% of deaths from the disease could be avoided.
Eat berries!
According to researchers at the University of Rutgers, reduces the precancerous lesions in the intestine, which can cause cancer of the colon, as it is rich in πτεροστιλβένη.
Turn to fiber-rich foods!
A study published in the journal “Clinical Nutrition” showed that a diet rich in fiber reduces up to 19% of the risk for cancer of the kidney. The fiber block the cancer-causing toxins and do not allow them to reach the intestine and the kidneys.
Get up from the couch!
Approximately 92.000 cases of cancer per year are triggered by a sedentary life, as it emerged from the conclusions of a study of the American Institute for Cancer Research.