School Readiness: Be ready my child to go to school?

Mary Costa Ζώτο,
Special Education Teacher – Chaperone Parallel Support
the interdisciplinary centers For…word Art
The School Readiness is that the…
level (natural/physical, psychosocial/emotional, language/cognitive development of the child, which enables it to successfully meet the high school requirements
The only official criterion for admission of children in first grade of primary school is age. But the most important criterion should be the ability of the child to respond to the lessons and school obligations as a student. So, it becomes a reason for School Readiness.
What behaviors of the child (early childhood) should cause us concern?
Is not able to correctly pronounce the phonemes
Is not in a position to find the phonemes that make up a word
Can’t respond to complex commands
Can’t distinguish left from right
I don’t know topological/quantitative concepts
Not following limits/rules
I can use πολυσύλλαβες words
Faltering in speech
I can successfully organizes his thoughts and place them in logical order
Struggling to narrate an incident or to describe a person/object etc.
Hard to memorize
Don’t keep me in the right way the pencil
I can complete a task
Can’t watch the subject of the debate or/ and not to participate in the dialogue
Does not complete the work of the
Finding it difficult to join the group of the peer of the
Early identification of these difficulties may lead to the restoration them and thus do not develop disorders in speech, in learning or/ and in the child’s behavior.
When do I need to do a test of School Readiness?
The ideal time for the administration of such test is prior to the introduction of the child in the school context.
Who is eligible to provide School Readiness?
The School Readiness may be allocated to the ΚΕΔΔΥ, in Mental Health Centers, psycho-pedagogical Units and, of course, in Private Centres.
The evaluation has shown that the child is not in a position to be promoted to the next class. What’s going on?
The child can begin a personalized treatment program, which has been developed in accordance with the difficulties faced by each child individually, so as to help to properly prepare for the new school year. Of course, if the difficulties of the child are too many and not enough time, then it can be tested and the possibility of επαναφοίτησης of the child in kindergarten.
Why you have to place the επαναφοίτηση it?
Through the επαναφοίτησης provided more time for the therapeutic intervention , so that the child can fully prepared for the transition to the next classroom.
What process is required in order for the child to repeat the same class?
This process is carried out by the ΚΕΔΔΥ, which gives the command and provides the appropriate official a written decision.
They can be caused psychological problems to the child because of the επαναφοίτησης it?
No, they can’t be created in the child such matters if it receives appropriate information on which he highlighted that the επαναφοίτηση has no negative consequences. On the contrary, a child who is not ready to be promoted to the next class, but nevertheless promoted will possess a continuous stress, you will understand that it is not able to meet the school requirements and the expectations of parents, with the result that lead to school refusal, low self-esteem, non-acceptable behavior, perhaps in psychosomatic/psychological events.
Based on the above it is understood that there is a way to check if the kids are ready to go to the Elementary school. In addition, we must not forget that a good student is ready student, something which cannot be measured solely by the chronological age of the child.