Antonis Samaras one day after Kyriakos Mitsotakis decided to propose Costas Tasoula for President of the Republic announced his intention to vote for him. However, he stressed that his disagreement with the recent stance of the Speaker of the House on top issues is valid in full. “Answering a journalist question about the election of President of Republic, former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said: “I had publicly argued that, at this political juncture of events and situations, a candidate for President of the Republic had to be selected from the centre-right space. I had proposed Costas Karamanlis. With this political thinking I will vote for Costas Tasoula. It goes without saying that there is no question of comparison between the two persons, and it is equally clear that my disagreement with the recent position of the Speaker of the House on top issues is valid in full.”
Samaras: I will vote for Costa Tasoula for President of the Republic
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