Moscow Court sentenced a student to 10 days in prison. The young man’s “injustice” was that he renamed his network with a slogan in its favor, broadcast the Russian news agency Ria-Novosti. The Russian capital court found the student who entered a code “Glorious to Ukraine” (“Slava Ukraini”) guilty of “public display of Nazi symbolisms… or symbols of extremist organizations,” said Ria-Novosti’s telegram. The Russian news agency article notes that it was a police officer who revealed the wifi code to authorities. In addition, the router of the young student of Moscow State University was seized. The slogan “Slava Ukraine!” (“Glory in Ukraine!”) is the cry shouted by Ukrainian forces as they fight Russia’s invasion forces. Following the start of the Russian invasion, in February 2022, the Russian authorities have carried out pogroms and fierce repression measures against any public criticism or against any support to Ukrainian forces, imposing penalties and heavy prison sentences.
Russia: Student Entered ‘Glory in Ukraine’ Code in Wifi and Sentenced to 10 Days Prison · Global Voices
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