Rocco Ritchie: I’m so glad I don’t live with Madonna anymore

The comment of the young in instagram is something more than a caustic…
It seems that the effort of the Madonna for the mannequin challenge I particularly liked her son, Rocco, with which anyway their relationship is not in good condition.
A few months ago, the 16-year-old had requested to move to his father in London, something that didn’t please it was only natural that the queen of pop. Since then, much has been written about the how are the two of them, and Madonna, shows full support to the Rocco, when he was caught in possession of cannabis.
However, this time, Rocco made a notification on instagram that only good intentions I had. In particular, αναπηρήγαγε a video in which Madonna makes eating your own mannequin challenge, a dinner with friends. The 16-year-old Rocco commented in the caption that he feels very happy that he no longer lives with her.
After the constant questions of his followers, why make such rude references, Rocco has removed both the comment and the controversial video, which even seem and his brothers Rocco, David and Mercy.