Risk for 40,000 cattle in Trikala

In the “zone restrictions” for the…
lumpy skin disease of cattle in the Prefecture of Trikala.
As it reveals the trikalanews.gr with today’s decision of the Regional Trikala, Christos Michalakis, the Regional Section of Trikala, joined in the “zone restrictions” for the lumpy skin disease of cattle.
It measures in prevention and suppression of infectious animal diseases and emergency response plan for the control of diseases through a programme of emergency vaccination of cattle against lumpy skin disease and involves about 40,000 cattle in the Prefecture of Trikala.
Vaccination of cattle is mandatory, the vaccine is received, it is safely stored, distributed and carried out under the supervision and responsibility of the Department of Veterinary Trikala.
Area, species and age of animals to which it can be applied vaccination:
a) vaccines can be administered to healthy animals of susceptible species, cattle and buffaloes (where they exist), regardless of age, gender, gestation and production direction, on all the farms located on the IP Trikala in accordance with the priority established
(b) In any breeding prior to vaccination, all animals are subject to a full clinical examination and any herds suspected because of clinical symptoms or of other epidemiological data, vaccination is postponed until the suspicion is verified or not, and are carried out in the case of the necessary actions.