Investigation-shock that took place in Britain αποκαÏπτει that two-thirds….
the muslim population declare that I will inform the police about plans of terrorist attacks from ομοθÏήκους them if they knew previously.
The poll, conducted by ICM for channel 4, found that only 34 percent of muslims said that they will report it immediately to the police, if he believed that someone close to them had relationships with people who support terrorism in Syria.
Research published by the “Red Sky” and the infowars of Alex Jones, and sound the “bell” of the risk and for Greece, that in 10 years he will live similar situations, since most of the muslim populations will have been installed permanently.
Populations which the Anchor will attempt to Ï€ÏοσεταιÏισθεί and use it as a “trojan horse” against Greece.
An additional 46 percent said they would speak with directly related to the terrorist plot in an attempt to prevent him, while 37 percent said that it would inform the police, but would seek help elsewhere (by other muslims?)
The data is beyond doubt alarming as two-thirds of British muslims shows that either support it or like it or don’t have a real problem (that doesn’t bother them enough to react) with terrorism.
The poll, however, had other findings which we need to see it carefully and the Greek Authorities, as well as increasingly larger numbers of muslim refugees and illegal immigrants flocking in the country.
According to the poll, 4 percent said he likes people who take part in suicide bombings (1% said that like completely and 3% said that there to some extent).
In addition, a 4 percent he said he likes people who committed acts of terrorism as “a form of political protest”.
The majority of 96 per cent of the muslims reported that it is not at all eco-extremism, but as mentioned before they won’t do anything substantive to prevent it.
Trevor Phillips, former head of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights the man who popularized the phrase”islamophobia”, said that the research is extremely worrying, claiming that this 4 percent (like terrorism) is a dynamic “equivalent of 100,000 muslims”…
Perhaps a more revealing finding from the survey is that one in four Muslims (23%) indicates that it wishes to see the implementation of Sharia law in certain areas of Britain.
The poll also found that half of British muslims believe that homosexuality should be made illegal. The number that corresponds to the 5 percent in Britain. Almost half (47%) also stated that they do not agree as acceptable for a homosexual to become a teacher, compared with 14% of the general population.
Over 20 percent does not condemn the stoning of adulterers, while almost a third (31%) wants polygamy (many wives) to be made legal, compared with 8% of the general population.
“One-in-six muslims he says that he would like to live more separately (from the rest of the population), a quarter would want to live under Sharia law. This means that as a society we have a group of people who essentially does not want to participate in the lifestyle of other people,” added Phillips.
“We’re more nervous with muslims, because we feel that will be affected. But my view is that looking at the results of this research, which surprised me, we have passed the stage where it could say: “Okay, don’t worry, with time you will change minds”, because that’s not going to happen and we have to do things to change now,” added the former member of the Labour Party.
Although the findings of the research presented in the documentary with the title “What do you really believe British muslims”, have shaken many, the left mainstream media tried desperately to downgrade, arguing that the poll is “skewed”
Research in Britain: What answer Muslims for the terrorist attacks and ΣΟΚΑΡΟΥΠit?