“Reduced nursing staff Ακτινοθεραπευτικού Department at the Children’s Hospital “Aglaia Kyriakou””

The immediate staffing of the Ακτινοθεραπευτικού Department of…
Children’s hospital “Αγλαϊα Kyriakou” with a permanent qualified medical personnel in order to fully exploit the capabilities of the equipment requested by the members B. Γιόγιακας and the X. Κέλλας with their question to the Minister of Health. The full text of the question is as follows:
To the Minister of Health
TOPIC: “reduced nursing staff Ακτινοθεραπευτικού Department at the Children’s Hospital “Aglaia Kyriakou””
The intended radiotherapeutic Department of the Hospital “Aglaia Kyriakou” is considered to be among the top in Europe and is the only intended radiotherapeutic department for children with neoplastic diseases who works in the country. Already from the start of the operation, in January 2011, the department operates with a reduced medical personnel and is staffed by non-permanent (auxiliary) physicians, with the exception of the permanent physician of Radiation Oncology with a grade of Curator B.
The staffing of the department almost exclusively from ancillary physicians, whose term of office has certain, ολιγόμηνη course, creates obstacles to the comprehensive treatment of affected children as well as for the conduct of safe ακτινοθεραπειών required not only a special, month-long training and extensive clinical experience. Also, the use of advanced applications and capabilities supported by the equipment of the Department is not feasible as it requires also a specific and continuous training that it becomes unworkable for them, constantly alternating, auxiliary doctors.
It should be noted, finally, that pending the recruitment to fill the permanent position of a physician with a grade of Curator of the notice of which the Ministry of Health had announced that it will carry out “instantly” last summer.
Having said that, will the Minister:
– If and when it intends to proceed with direct recruitment of specialized medical personnel, Ακτινοθεραπευτών and Ακτινοφυσικών E.P.Y. for the staffing of the Ακτινοθεραπευτικού Department at the Children’s Hospital “Aglaia Kyriakou”,
– If it is launched to fill the permanent position of a physician with a degree Editor A in that Section, and if not, what it intends to do about this and when.