Reader ΚΑΤΑΚΕΡΑΥΝΩΝΕΙ: “I’m sick of you πολιτικάντες not to see you…”

Dear tromaktiko,
for other μύά time the Government (I guess the lenders) dealt with…
the insurance of the country…an insurance that doesn’t come out with anything…and how to get out:with unemployment at 30% (and above if you count young people who have gone out), the funds are not contributions to the funds with the Law of Venizelos…a test with (the reserves)!
What to say to the builder that he collected so many thousands of building stamps, what to tell the workers in the Heavy-Unhealthy…what can you say to drivers – freelancers (not all thieves) that the syntax has arrived at a historical low…what can you say to cops (movable targets daily), military (with transfers,services-exercises, etc.) that’s gonna be in 40 years…what do you say to people who are looking forward for a job…to give color to their lives…I’ll tell you what I said Tsipras: elections…
I’m sick of you πολιτικάντες…not to see…
PS: Euro or drachma?
Let’s laugh…or the one I have in the pocket or the other…just 13 years of the euro, and of that half and more of us go as we go…at least with the drachma, we had value in our pocket…

You see injustice around you? He was SCARED of them… Send the complaint and the pictures of you on the tromaktiko! Is there a way to be heard…

Wherever you are, whatever the time and if it is, and you see something wrong, odd, an accident or an emergency, open the camera of your mobile phone, get information about the event and send us material (photos or video) στο or through viber, 6946 414328. Become a ΤΡΟΜΑΚΤΙΚΟΣ reader…
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