“Ran out” Greece? – Lost the fortunes of ALL, and…

The “brute” reality to reflect the…
weekly economic bulletin of the BSE, in accordance with which the Greeks in the crisis, have lost fortunes equal to a GDP.
In particular, the net assets of Greek citizens, without the loans, amounted to 856 billion. euro, compared to 1.023 billion. euro 2009, where the net property per adult had increased to 114 mm. euro, in contrast with the rest of Europe that the average fortune of an adult was 93 mm., below the average of the Greeks.
“What classifies Greece in a different category from the rest of Europe is the υπερδανεισμός. From Euro 3207 per adult private debt in 2000, the size of this υπερπενταπλασιάσθηκε 2009 in Euro 16793 per adult, approaching the european average of Euro 17657 per adult, which had in turn increased by 50% compared with the year 2000, reports the Association of Enterprises and Industries, and adds: “.The saving of households is now negative and, therefore, not produced new wealth and the burden of real estate, in particular, estate tax holding (ENFIA) from the highest in the world, has pinned down a large part of the population in inability of economic exploitation of his property in a productive direction”.