Radio Arvula: The touching video in Antonis’ memory Too – “The phone rings and I know it is what we feared”

Tonight’s (04.02.2020) broadcast on ANT1, “carrying” an intense emotional charge as they were completed 28 years after Antonis’ loss Too, as announced by Antonis Kanakis, the soul of Radio Arvula, referred to the loss of his beloved friend and as they do every year, a video was shown as a tribute. CORVERSE “Every time I watch this video, two things happen to me: first of all I see Antonis and I think it’s like yesterday we really were together and we did these things” the presenter first said. “I really expect him to show up somewhere even today or ring a phone and be Antonis and the second since I said phone, is to be at home, to do something with musicians – I remember it as now – and the phone rings this day and I know it’s the phone call we were afraid of coming and hoping he would never come,” he continued. “This ring from an old phone and I was walking to pick it up,” he concluded.