Question of the Claus Γιογιάκα for cleaning school buildings

For the actions that are necessary to promote the co-responsible Ministries so that they are not repeated…
this year’s problems in the cleaning of the public school asks to be informed of the Claus Γιόγιακας with a Question which has been tabled to the Ministers for Education, Research and church affairs, Interior and Administrative Reconstruction and Finance. The full text of the Question is as follows:
Minister of Education, Research and church affairs
Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction
mr Finance Minister
TOPIC: “Timely adjustment of the institutional framework for the cleaning of school buildings the school year 2016-2017”
The cleaners/maids who have entered into a lease agreement, project the cleanliness in the public schools for the school year 2015 – 2016 executed the work in accordance with the provisions of joint ministerial DECISION 145586/17-9-2015/K1 (official GAZETTE 2037/17-9-2015 B). The delayed procedures with the responsibility of the government have caused maximum problems to the smooth cleanliness of the schools. So the maximum number of man-hours and the approved appropriation to cover the costs of sanitation of school buildings was reduced by 10% compared with previous school years. The Foundation for Youth and Lifelong Learning (ΙΝΕΔΙΒΙΜ), intermediate body for the funding of local School Committees that enter into lease contracts project and pay the prescribed fees , had asked for the strict observance of article 11, par. 2 of JMD 2/18254/0022/3-4-2008 (government GAZETTE 672/17-02-2008 B) by which the amount of the remuneration of school services shall be determined per classroom. Since this is also the teaching year in that decision set out a binding and explicitly as 10μηνης duration, the reduction of funding to non-payment of a fee of one month for each of the school cleaning lady, who has performed 10 month lease contract project.
Despite repeated reminders the issue and the questions that κατατεθήκαν in the House, I secured additional appropriations to cover the funding gap from the regular budget of the Ministry of Education, who in accordance with n.3577/2007 shall bear the cost of lease contracts project of the school of services. Also there was no care of, nor denied, with a decision, as an alternative, cover the financing gap of the additional grants from the Municipalities to the school Boards in accordance with the provisions of law. 4257/2014, despite the relative prompt ΙΝΕΔΙΒΙΜ. On the contrary, the payment of outstanding remuneration took place with delays while at the same time at the beginning and during the school year emerged additional cleaning needs schools due to retirement of services in private law for an indefinite time (a structural one). It should be noted that the School Committees remain in weakness as to the sufficiency of money to pay all the due fees and those that have the cash ability to do so have a legal requirement at the expense of the Ministry of Education.
The avoidance of recurrence of similar problems the school year 2016 -2017 presupposes, first of all the timely adoption of the relevant amendment for the extension of the validity of the existing institutional framework, but that alone is not enough. It is absolutely essential for the timely adoption of the required K.Y.A for the definition of the relevant funding Body of the School Committees and ensuring sufficient appropriations to cover the expected cost of the cleaning of schools, as well as the performance of the deficit financing last year.
Having said that, asked mr Ministers:
– If you intend to bring directly to the vote the amendment, to issue directly to the Joint Ministerial Decisions by which will set out the management framework and the level of funding for the cleaning of the school units throughout the country in 2015-2016, in a way that is consistent with the 10 month duration of the academic year, the actual needs of cleanliness and ensuring sanitary conditions in schools, as well as the corresponding duration – amount of fees, of the Lease Contracts Project.

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