Putin – Trump “END” the Tsipras – The Plan ΔΙΑΔΟΧΗΣ and the Regulation of Debt…

According to information from the Presidents Trump and Putin discussed the Greek issue…
a recent phone conversation. The issue was not analysed in detail but rather had an exchange of views to see that there are convergences and divergences.
Convergence is one. Alexis Tsipras has finished. The political capital is non-existent and has no influence on the Greek people. In the matter of the succession there is a deviation.
The Donald Trump shy of Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Considers that the ‘disgust’ of the Public is a guarantee for the implementation of the reforms required by the IMF. These are redundancies in the Public sector, Privatisations, reduction of bureaucracy, and opportunities for new investments from Abroad, without calculating the cost to Greek society. Of course, this means that Donald Trump does not want a Grexit with the terms of Germany, but on his own terms. Consequently, the Drachma, considers how we can tie in the ‘chariot’ of the united states Greece, and to leave the German Coalition.
The Vladimir Putin appeared to be more mild and tolerant towards the Greeks. He sees the issue, geostrategic, and not business as the American counterpart. On the one hand, expressed the opinion that we should move to a form of Debt Haircut, with new financial Assistance to Greece from USA-Russia. Sees it as a method of repayment of a long-term period combined with the mineral wealth of Greece and to help Oil extraction by the US-Russia, in order not to fall into the hands of German-EU for a piece of bread.
The political arm of Vladimir Putin looking at the impact of the Kyriakou Βελόπουλου to the Greek audience which is shown by the penetration of the GREEK SOLUTION to the productive part of society. Considers that the fact this is indicative of a change in mentality of the Greeks (business), and the turning of the Greeks to Moscow (all the polls confirm this). Therefore, Putin considers that this change of the Greeks can lead to the benefit for Greece (growth) and Russia-USA (energy, geostrategic). Putin had not dealt with his successor Tsipras. I don’t see that the Greek parties as a New Democracy or SYRIZA. See what ideas are flying and whether it is realistic for his interests.
The match Russia-USA on the Greek issue creates a unique opportunity for our country, as it gives us the diplomatic and, perhaps, economic flexibility that is required for disengagement from the Memorandum and the German Occupation.