Premiere for the new electronic prescription system – End of coupons from medicines

The new electronic system for . The new process of prescription is part of the upgrade of the digital systems EDICA to improve health services and combat falsified medicines. CORVERSE However, doctors declare themselves unprepared to support new functions. While the Health Department makes it clear that no further extension will be given. Our country’s immediate compliance with the relevant European directive is imperative, explained the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiades. The President and CEO of the IDICA, Niki Tsuma, however, states in, that the implementation of the new electronic prescription is exemplary. It is fast, flexible and more user friendly, as it says. “The system is the same as the old one, but it is more modern, faster and friendly. We have repeatedly presented it in Days to doctors and we have given it in parallel with the old system for two months to familiarize themselves. Malfunctions are not going to present. So far we have had complaints from doctors that the old system was slow and cumbersome. The new system has more automatic options to choose from and therefore makes their everyday life easier. Those who have seen it send us congratulations!” Mrs. Tsuma points out. DEPENDENCE End of stickers coupons in recipes With the new platform, the “traditional” stickers that pharmacists stuck on the recipes are abolished. The coupon will now be digital, while through the unique barcode the “electronic trace” of each medicinal preparation will be recorded. His course, i.e., from the manufacturing plant to his final conclusion at the patient’s pharmacy. The implementation of the new system of prescriptions is aimed not only at improving health services but also at combating falsified medicines, which is a European directive. For this reason, the new application is linked to the drug verification system of the Greek Medicines Verification Agency (HMVO). The HMVO system is expected to operate fully from 9 February 2025, facilitating the disposal of medicines. “It is a European directive that comes into effect in all the countries of Europe,” Niki Tsuma notes and explains: “The stickers are abolished and barcodes are digital now. The pharmacist, in other words, won’t unstick the coupon to put it in the recipe. Each drug will only have digital matching and recording. This helps to easily trace the drugs and thus eliminate the fraud that had been detected, to keep coupons and to be redeemed later, or other irregularities,” points out the President of THE COURT. Why doctors protest The Medical Association of Athens (ISA) requested a new extension for the application, as many doctors – especially older ones – find it difficult to adapt to the platform. “The immediate implementation of the new system, without sufficient time to familiarize itself, will cause serious problems, mainly distressing patients,” says the ISA. The ISA even asked its members to post to their medical services a communication informing that for delays and inconvenience, it is not the doctors’ fault but the new system of prescription the IDICA. However, the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiades, made it clear that connection to HMVO and compliance with the European directive make it necessary to implement the system immediately. “Delay would jeopardise harmonisation with the pan-European system. I understand the inconvenience, but the new system will benefit in the long term,” he noted by posting it on the X platform. Mr Georgiades also recalled that the implementation has been running pilot projects for two months, enabling doctors and pharmacists to familiarize them.