Popular Lottery: At half price the available Black Friday lottery tickets

At a pace , with the special draw of the game history handing out 100,000 euros guaranteed on Friday 29 November. “The People’s Lottery participates in Black Friday, with players supplying their lotteries at half price, i.e. 5 euros per five and 1 euros per lot,” says Anna Khachikian, a lottery in Athens. Anna Khachikian, lottery in Athens The guaranteed prize and the smaller winnings In addition to the 100,000 euro guaranteed prize won by the lucky five, the People’s Lottery’s Special Black Friday draw will distribute to players and other smaller prizes. “The special draw of next Friday will offer 5,000 euros to the lotteries that have the same number as the lucky lot in all other series, 200 euros in the first 10 lotteries out of 119 lotteries in each series automatically arising from the lottery’s lucky lot and 100 euros in the remaining 109. Also, 10 euros will win as many fives as the winning end,” explains Mrs.Khachikian. Anna Khachikian, lotteries in Athens The Popular Lottery in the OPAP Store App Through the OPAP Store App app, players of the People’s Lottery can scan the winnings of the special Black Friday draw on their mobile. Each ticket that is scanned participates in the loyalty program “OPP Rewards”, enabling players participate in draws and claim privileges and gifts. The special draw of the Black Friday People’s Lottery will be broadcast live on Friday 29 November at 19:00, from the OPAP channel on YouTube.