In front of a great discovery they were found in the , which during a great excavation in the ancient Roman city, saw a luxurious private bath of antiquity. The bath was hidden under measures of volcanic rock and ash for 2,000 years, with archaeologists mentioning one of the most shocking findings in Pompeii. CORVERSE The spa-like space is located in the “heart” of a large house that was unveiled in the last two years during a large excavation. “These spaces are really part of the “Pobeyan event” – it is almost as if people had left just a minute ago, said Dr. Gabriel Zuchtriegel, director of Pompeii Archaeological Park, who revealed the new find exclusively to the BBC. The analysis of two skeletons discovered at home shows the horror that the residents of Pompeii faced when Vesuvius exploded in 79 C.E. These are the skeletons of a woman, aged 35 to 50 and a teenager. These two people were allegedly fortified in a small room, however, they found death as the “tsunami” with volcanic gas and ash flooded the city. “This is a dramatic place and everything you find here shows you the drama,” says Pompeii’s conservationist, Dr Ludovica Alesse. CORVERSE One third of the ancient city is still hidden under the volcanic debris of the disaster, but the new excavation – the more extensive here and a generation – provides new information on ancient Roman life. ‘Once-in-a-century’ discovery in Pompeii reveals gold coins, pearl springings and a sumptuous private bathhouse — BBC Breaking News (@BBBreaking) Archaeologists were followed by a documentary group from BBC and Lion TV, for a series called Pompeii: The new dig. A whole building block of Pompeii has now been revealed, with a washing machine and a bakery, as well as the large private residence coming to light. It is believed that all this belonged to a wealthy person, probably Aulus Rustius Verus, a politician influential in Pompeii. “There are only a few houses that have a private bath complex, so it was really something for the richest of the rich,” Zuchtriegel said. “And this is so huge – it is perhaps the largest bath complex in a private house in Pompeii”. Photos of the luxurious residence discovered in the last two years: , scavi nella Regio IX riglino un sacrario con pareti blue. L’ambiente, dedicato ad attività rituali e alla conservazione di oggetti sacri, è stato mostrato in anteprima nello Speciale del . Scopri di più: — Ministero della Cultura (@MiC_Italia) Super luxury baths for the elite of ancient Roman society Those who had the fortune to use the bath suite would change into a locker room with lively red walls and mosaic floor scattered with geometric patterns lined with marble from all over the Roman Empire. They would then go to the warm room, take a swim in the bathroom and enjoy the warmth that resembled sauna, which is provided by a false floor that allowed the flow of warm air from underneath and from walls with a cavity where heat could be released. They then moved into the warm room with the bright colors. Finally, they would enter the largest and most impressive room of all – the frigidarium, or cold room.
Pompeii: Archaeologists discovered a superluxurious bath – It was buried under volcanic rocks for 2,000 years
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