Politico: The exception of Metsola and the chief lobbyist husband of the President of the European Parliament

It seems that the Qatargate scandal “cash against influence” that caused shock in the European Parliament two years ago was not enough to teach the lesson and now new shadows are making their appearance starring Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament and her lobbyist husband. Politico now reveals that the husband of European Parliament President Roberta Betsola, Ukko Metsola is an archlobist and even the top representative of the EU’s interests for the Miami-based Royal Caribbean Group, the second largest cruise company in the world and a large company, of those considered polluting. While she should have declared her husband’s actions, she did not. On the occasion of the ‘Qatargate’, Metsola proposed a code of conduct for transparency in the action of MEPs. High-ranking members of the European Parliament should state in writing, inter alia, whether there is a conflict of interest, including their family members, their personal life or their economic interests. She should have declared her husband’s actions – but… she omitted it. She could disclose through written or oral statement that her Finnish husband, Uco Metsola is the top representative of the EU interests for the Miami-based Royal Caribbean Group, the world’s second largest cruise company. Instead, her husband’s work to a large extent went unnoticed, even when working to influence green landmark legislation that his wife would eventually sign. “There is no reason why President Metsola – or any president – should be excluded from the submission of such a statement,” said Nicholas Aiossa, the director of the European Union on transparency issues ‘Transparency International EU’. “I will say that if a husband involved in any activity, whether paid or not, seeking to influence EU policy making, the MEP should declare it himself,” he added. He does not imply that Metsola made cover-up. Ukko filled out the appropriate lobby records, which were available to the public. Nor is there any indication that Roberta Metsola violated parliament rules, nor evidence that she used her official powers to unfairly influence legislation on behalf of Ukko. However, there is no doubt that the absence of official disclosure has safeguarded the relationship between the President of Parliament and a representative of interests from public control, even when Ukko accompanied his wife on official visits, including the coronation of the King of Britain Charles and Roberta spoke at least twice in favour of a position shared by Parliament and the maritime industry.