Pericles Kondylatos: “I have never judged the body of the lady. Barca and I haven’t dealt”

He was asked by a Happy Day journalist about the statements made by Katerina Pettitsi about Danai Barka. He pointed out that he disagrees with the characterizations heard, but stood up to the fact that my Style Rocks’ former contestant apologized. “These are not right. Of course, the girl said she was sorry, and she took it back and she called it off. Congratulations. For me it’s more important for someone who’s wrong and corrects it than someone who’s done nothing wrong. I take off her hat,” Pericles Kondilatos said about Katerina Peftitsi. ADVERSE “Of course, the words we say may be recalled and taken back, but it does not mean that if the other one is hurt we can change it. Sometimes what we do to people – regardless of whether we regret – evil remains.” “I have never judged Mrs Barka’s body and have not dealt. I’ve never commented on any woman in particular. I made some statements on the subject fashion and body style in general and did not refer to anyone by name,” Pericles Kondilatos said. ADVERSE “Danai Barka is like a wardrobe… so she has no curve. It is so, solid,” Katerina Peftitsi said in an interview she gave a few days ago. “You mean it’s square” commented Christos Pantelidis, with Katerina Peftitsis answering: “Yes, my child”. At this point Ioanna Barakis intervened, stressing that her teammate could express her opinion in a more polite manner. “You didn’t have to say it’s like a closet,” he told her with Katerina Falling to clear up in an intense style: “I can say whatever I want. I’m fat and Barca’s a closet. There’s nothing more I can say. The girl doesn’t have a shape. It’s okay. That was either impossible or fat, it still wouldn’t have shape. It would be solid”.