Pericles Kondilatos for Elena Christopoulou and Iliana Papageorgiou: This separates a lady

She appealed to justice and asks Helena Christopoulou to hand over all her contracts to her during their long-term cooperation. He didn’t refuse to comment. Pericles Kondilatos, who took a stand in the dispute between Iliana Papageorgiou and Elena Christopoulou, made statements on the ANT1 Breakfast. “They are ugly people who have been loved and who have taken it out, to bring it down. Deconstructing the other by saying that “he is a fraud,” shows things for the period when they were loved. They’re your family, your friend, your mom, and you go out with a crooked girl and call him a crook? How superficial this was and how superficial you are,” Pericles Kondylatos originally said. Pericles Kondylatus added: “This was not in the boil of a soul, it was premeditated and it seemed to me also directed. If Iliana considers her interests to be affected, go to court and if she is justified, give an interview and say she was justified. It’s a public rally when you’re suggesting the other guy stole you.” In closing, Pericles Condylatus reported: “Mrs. Christopoulou is not the evil witch, she has helped many people. Her presence on television is the presence of a lady, she brings out a culture, she is a very beautiful woman and worthy. That Mrs. Christopoulou wants to solve the matter judicially rather than television, is what separates a lady from one who is not a lady.” Iliana Papageorgiou’s application has been accepted and a date has been set for showing documents by early 2025. Information says that before Iliana Papageorgiou went to justice, she met with Elena Christopoulou, but in their conversation there were no… necessary explanations.