After five months there was a light on 150,000 euros from house to area following an investigation by the police of the Edessa Security Department. For the case in Pella a case was formed against an alien man, about the offence of distinguished theft, and the case includes a foreign accomplice whose evidence has been identified. The incident occurred on 2 October 2023 when the man, along with his unknown accomplices, broke into a house window in a Pella area and removed a safe containing – according to the owner – the amount of 150,000 euros. As emerged from the investigation, it was the foreign accomplice who gave for the existence of the safe, but also for the time the tenants would be absent. In fact, in a survey carried out in a house in a region of Pella, the sum of EUR 5,300 was found and confiscated. The file formed was submitted to the District Attorney for Primary Edessa.
Pella: Case of safe theft solved with 150,000 euros
in Local News