Pelion: Cancer-path denounces beating by rental house owners

She claims that mother and son, who want to evict her, have come to the point of beating her… The beating he denounced to the police has caused a disturbance in an entire village in Pelion. The tenant of the house who is cancerous claims that mother and son, who own the property, have come to the point of beating her with the ultimate goal of making her leave the apartment. Cause of successive incidents in recent times, there are some modifications the woman allegedly made to the property, without the consent of the owners. The cops were talking about systematic threats and asked for help. After the beating, he was taken to a hospital for the first aid, with the case in the village getting land. Victim of beating fell a 60 – year – old woman, a former dance teacher, who rented a house in a village in South Pelion. Owners, mother and son, have been pushing her over the last few months to leave the rented house and this has created frequent frictions, as the woman is cancerous and has problems with her health. But the pressure is not just on the words. According to what the 60-year-old denounces, the owners went to the house on Monday, March 4th, and beat her up, while pulling her out of her hair to get her out. She denounces that she received threatening messages before this incident, while testifying to police officers that the neighbors saved her from the man’s fury. As the broadcasts, the fierce fight began over the home conversions the 60-year-old woman had made and who did not find the owners in agreement. The woman was transferred to the Argallast Health Center to provide her with first aid, while she filed a complaint with the Police.