Peggy Zina: What does it say about the depression she went through after the birth of her daughter

Peggy Zina revealed in the magazine I the difficult hours that passed by when…
faced with postpartum depression, the feelings of that time, but the way μππόρεσε to overcome it.
Have you ever been depressed?
I had a form of depression shortly after I became a mother. My kid, however, was my remedy. He pulled me out of all this. Something strange happened inside me a little after the birth, have passed, and different then in my life. I was sad and from a professional and financial problems. Fortunately, when you have a family where there is true love, you’re saving the worst of it. All houses have problems. If you loved truly with your man and then he comes and a little child in your life, you experience a supreme feeling which fortifies, protects you virtually. Because isolation doesn’t help. Nevertheless, I had evidence of depression.
What did you feel?
When all were asleep, and I lived alone, I wanted to do was cry, everything was black, I felt that everywhere there are injustices, I felt that I was losing ground, I felt inadequate, both professionally and opposite to my own people. I thought I did everything wrong. With paid by a permanent fatigue. These feelings, however, extinguished immediately as soon as I looked Elektra in the eye. I dealt with why I was in a family where there was real love.