Peace Murjuku: The third symbiosis pact with Pakistani – What her sister’s husband revealed

The revelations and developments in her case, which is considered for the death of 5 infants in and in her involvement with virtual marriage circuit, are not stopped. The 24-year-old present at the death of 5 children in Amaliada, is examined by the authorities, who with journalistic help unwrap a thread of illegalities. Irene Murjuku according to the Live News show, had been married in 2018 to an Indian and in 2022 made a symbiosis pact with a Georgian. At the same time, her sister, Gogo, cohabitation in 2023 with a Pakistani, in exchange for the money. Irene Murjuku had stated that she did not meet either man and that she was told to sign some papers to give her money. Speaking on the Live News show, Gogo Murjuku supported the same, revealing that her sister told her to sign the symbiosis agreement in order to get paid. According to Gogo, Irene gave her no money, while her husband doesn’t know him and never see him. However, the Pakistani husband supported the opposite. Pakistani husband argued that he lives with Gogo and lives in Egaleo but goes and goes to Patras. He even revealed that he met her in a café, she told him that she loved him and married her at the urging of Peace Murjuku. “My wife told me that I would do better papers, so my wife told me that then I would gradually have better papers. I gave 50 euros to the lawyer,” the husband of Irene Murjuku’s sister stressed. According to the notary: “Everything was done legally, with the necessary documents. Everything was done normally, Gogo Murjuku had all the papers and then would go to the register of Egaleo,” he said. At the same time, Poppy, the mother of Peace and Gogo, said she was in ignorance. “I didn’t know anything and I learn them one by one. Every day and something new. Peace went for a few days Germany, not months. I don’t know, and I’m looking, probably in a lot of trouble after all,” he said. “He had made a pact, had married someone. Now what exactly was that and if it were legal and if it wasn’t… Unfortunately, but I have been caught unscathed. For Gogo to tell her, she obviously did. I haven’t discovered everything yet,” added the girls’ mother.