“To take the step to reclaim the people from giving us the mandate, not just to be a major opposition, but to be a new government for this country,” said Paul Polakis in his central election speech in Athens before Sunday (24/11/2024) elections to . As Paul Polakis pointed out “some played without shame with the mandate of the people. Those who talk about ‘democracy’ and ‘practice’ went against the Greek people and gave the main opposition to PASOK will soon get the answer they deserve on Sunday. On Monday, I want to be in the position of SYRIZA leadership, to return to the position he deserves, on Monday I will be in front of an attempt to form SYRIZA, on Monday we will begin the counterattack,” the party’s candidate said.” He commented on Stefanos Kasselakis, among other things that “it is forbidden to be leader of a left-wing party and to even have an administrative relationship with companies that are in tax heaven.” “The plans for the destruction of the conference were rejected, they knew very clearly that they did not have the majority, so they set up the whole scene of the attempt at invasion by people who were not a congressman to disband, which was avoided and moved on to this proclamation of the four candidates and the election process in which I consider that with the previous debate we have returned to where we needed the political debate, stimulating our world.” He reiterated that his programme is based on six pillars, which he considers to respond to the needs of today’s challenges. “It is the program to be broadcast by a united Syriza, who will address the people in an understandable way, to describe specific changes, measurable, feasible, in conflict with the conflict, which improves the life of the social majority and give hope to the new generation,” he said.
Paul Polakis: Those talking about coups gave the main opposition to PASOK
in Political