In the statements of the government representative, regarding the national tragedy in Tembis 2 years ago, replied . Paul Marinakis said yesterday (01.02.2025) in a statement that an organization that the government itself has staffed, which he accuses of “covering up” the tragedy that occurred in Tembi with the 57 dead. ADVERSE “Agarba and hastily, once again, PASOK rushes to make an announcement about the current report of REALNEWS, on a finding by EODASAM, wanting to denounce the government as “cover up” ignoring an important “detail”: The National Organisation for the Investigation of Airport and Railway Accidents and Transport Safety (EDASAAM) was staffed by the Government of the New Republic and Kyriakos Mitsotakis, strengthening him with resources and responsibilities, to issue his own findings with full independence, in collaboration with European experts,” the government representative initially said. “It is deeply hypocritical that PASOK, on the one hand, invokes the National Investigation Agency, the finding of which we all expect – when officially issued – and at the same time accuses the Government of “covering up”, when it is the Government itself that provided all the tools to that Agency to conduct a full and independent investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy,” he completed. Finally, Paul Marinakis stressed: “Every day it turns out, more and more, that PASOK, following the opposition tactics of the Syriza type, is not interested in the truth about the tragic accident of the Tempes, which all society wants and which Justice will highlight, and no one else, except to survive politically, even in the struggles and pain of relatives of victims and civilians, who seek only justice without asterisks.” Marinakis for Tembi: The opposition is not interested in the truth. He only wants the political exploitation of a tragedy. — GREECE 24 (@ellada24) PASOK’s response Today, the PASOK-Movement Press Office responded about the statements Paul Marinakis. “Cretton speaks to him slowly, Mr. Marinakis. The late existence of an official state finding for the country’s largest railway accident carries wide the signing of your government. Let us refresh your memory again: Kostas Karamanlis, who by your political decision made the unharmed, had not staffed the materially competent National Aviation and Rail Accident Investigation Agency, which he had legislated on 19 January 2023, resulting in the tragedy in Tembis being just a sign on a wall. Do you have the nerve to ask us to congratulate you for staffing him six months after the tragedy and delivering a finding 2 years after the tragedy? P.S.: Do you have anything to say about the essence of our announcement? Or are you afraid the Prime Minister will empty you too in his next interview?”.
Paul Marinakis: The opposition is not interested in the truth – “You have a nerve to ask for congratulations” PASOK responds
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