Patras: Started… “discussions” for the succession Christopoulos – the Whole background

Open leaves the possibility of non-set re-nomination for… Mayoral niche of Patras, the leader of the major opposition, Kostas Christopoulos.
“We closely monitor the primary things and when the time comes we’ll see what necessity there is, if we will, we will, if I’m me or something else,” he says in the local MEDIA, when probed on this issue.
The non-decision to clarify perpendicular to that claim again the Municipality of Patras, “whet the appetite” of the executives of the faction of the “New City”, where she has started the organisation of the succession.
Already often dense groups of municipal councillors and candidates on the ballot of the party in the “name” between them, discussing the future, both the staff, and the general-παραταξιακό.
According to information, the interest for the leadership of the faction is big, although the time until the next municipal elections wide.
However, according to the executives involved in such “discussions” the change in leadership should be done well before the next municipal elections, some believe even now that the array has been initialized properly, with a specific plan, goals, objectives, and positions that will communicate every day in the Patraikos people and at the same time become a reliable and dynamic opposition, the municipal authority Πελετίδη “that keeps the Patra stationary”.
“We need to create the opponent’s pole, the right pole in order to win. Πελετίδη”, emphasize these strains.