Patras: More than 40,000 pilgrims worship the Holy Belt of the Virgin mary [photos]

Thousands of believers attend with reverence to the Holy Church of Saint Andreu of Πρωτοκλήτου to worship the Holy and Holy Belt of the most Holy Virgin mary by the holy.M.M. Vatopedi. Monday night and waiting in the queue reaches the two hours, but the crowd waits patiently in and out of the temple.

The Bible Belt is from the last Friday in Patras and will remain in the Holy Church of Saint Andrew by Wednesday 9 November. All these days the turnout is massive.

During the evening countless numbers of devotees flock to the Temple to worship and receive the blessed ribbon of the Holy Belt. Information, indicate that up to today have been made available to the faithful at least 40,000 packages with the blessed ribbon of the Holy Belt.

Tonight the Holy Vigil will begin at 10 in the evening and will end at 1 after midnight, officiated by the Metropolitan of Patras Chrysostomos, while the program of sacred sequences for the next two days is as follows: