Patras, greece: a Difficult night for the Police – “Panic” in the Transfer of 30 detainees

“Lobster” Section Commutator of Patras, late in the evening of the Third, as it was more than necessary in the presence of a strong police force…
The reason according to the information of the, is the “caging” of 30 prisoners, who were to be transferred to the Correctional facility of St. Stephen,but their transfer was not completed before 4 in the afternoon, as provided for in the new regulations of the Prison.
This was as a result of the persons convicted for serious offences, including long-term convicts, to remain on the Commutator, where it will spend the night, until it is transferred to the Monday in the “St. Stephen”.
The unprecedented large presence of criminal, he has “cause” a headache in the local EL.Negative emotions, on the one hand, there are no detention facilities for so many people and on the other hand, neither the staff.
In the “difficult” night facing the Police, is added and the risk of any attempt to escape or even “rebellion” among the prisoners in accordance with information of the, already have expressed complaints about the conditions and places of detention.
At the same time that the “commitment” of a large part of police forces in the Commutator on the John Vlachos, to prevent παρατράγουδων during the night, has weakened to a considerable extent, the night guard of the city and the wider region, with everything that entails,