Passed the new Spatial Plan of Western Greece

With a broad majority in the Regional Council of Western Greece, gave a positive opinion at its meeting yesterday the Proposal for the Revision – Specialization of…
institutionalized Regional Framework, but also for the Strategic Environmental Impact assessment Study that accompanied it.
Prerequisite for all of this, as was stressed at the meeting, is that it will take account of the comments – observations – suggestions made by the Working Group of the Region of Western Greece, the regional parties in last night’s Regional Council and the competent department of the Environment, as emerged during the consultation that preceded the written proposals of agencies, services and citizens, but also to the college fair that happened a few days ago.
“The contribution of stakeholders to the consultation was crucial and there were proposals and comments, which in total with all the ones that were sent in the framework of the written consultation process, will contribute to the development prospect of Western Greece,” stressed the Prefect of Western Greece Apostolos Κατσιφάρας.
Additionally, pointed out mr. Κατσιφάρας that “the contribution of all, to the successful completion of the under Study regional framework of the PIB was critical, as well as Spatial Planning, means, above all, the participation of Bodies, Productive, Social, Commerce, local authorities A Degree, Services, Public Sector, etc., with αλληλοτροφοδότηση proposals and designs, between Spatial Planning, Development Planning, Sectoral Policies etc. The objective is to support the spatial and social cohesion, economic growth in a regime of investment security, the protection of the environment, so that they can achieve an acceptable spatial balanced growth and intra-regional convergence, for the new Programming Period 2014 – 2020, which has already started, and beyond”.
The presentation of the subject made by the vice governor for Energy and Environment Nick Weaver, who referred to the consultation process that took place after the extension that was given regarding the Electronic submission of proposals for the Regional Framework for Spatial Planning of Western Greece, posting in a special position of site of the Region links from where the stakeholders could access the issues of the B1 Stage of the Study, as well as in relevant documents (legislation, etc.).
In addition, mr. Weaver, you talked about the organisation of a workshop with the theme “Public Dialogue and Consultation” on the B1 Stage of the Study, while it was mentioned in the written submission process on behalf of the Stakeholders of the Region of Western Greece, views and comments, which were submitted proposals for a total of 28 organisations and individuals, while the issue was discussed at the last meeting of the Executive Committee of the EDP.
And ended up the Governor of West. Greece From. Κατσιφάρας: “Thank you personally Met Nico Weaver for strenuous effort, as employees of the District who staffed the Working Group, as well as the government, the chambers of commerce and agencies that have contributed to there is a correct result”.