PASOK: The new tactic Androulaki – He will respond to Mitsotakis – The warm handshake with Kassimatis

Head-on attack on the prime minister launched yesterday (25/11/24) his president on the occasion of what Kyriakos Mitsotakis said about the main opposition’s proposal to reduce VAT, accusing him of populism. Charilaou Trikoupis executives said that in fact the Prime Minister distorted what the President of PASOK said and recalled that it was Kyriakos Mitsotakis who had promised a horizontal reduction in VAT. Harilau Trikoupi officials recalled that in the previous elections in the ND programme and in the tax chapter it was specifically stated that: “We reduce VAT, with the introduction of two basic rates 11% and 22% from 13% to 24% today, with the maintenance of the excess VAT rate 6%”. They added, however, that Nikos Androulakis has decided to step up the confrontation with the Prime Minister in order to establish in public opinion that PASOK is a major opposition and potentially the future government. This is why Nikos Androuliakis answered Kyriakos Mitsotakis himself saying: “I want to challenge the Prime Minister and his memory: Who was talking about a horizontal reduction in VAT shortly after the country left the memorandum? Me or Mr. Mitsotakis? Who was with Mr. Samaras and was taking the hard years we were on the verge of bankruptcy? Me or Mr. Mitsotakis? If he forgot all this, at least his second reminded Mrs. Bakoyannis of her interview with “News” last Saturday. Our proposals are cost-effective, specific. These are proposals that the Greek economy can stand. Proposals for social justice for a new National Health System, strong public education, support for a country that needs production, competitiveness, extroversion and also interventions concerning pensions, especially for the poorest Greeks,” stressed Androulakis adding that on the basis of each country’s course, it is assessed who is consistent and who is populating. Nikos Androulakis is expected to meet on Wednesday with the social partners in the “3 September” room at the Capital Hotel. Symbolism is particularly important as from there Andreas Papandreou had issued the founding declaration of PASOK. Meanwhile last night (25/11/24) the President of PASOK met at the presentation of the book of Vassilis Asimakopoulos “First time Left – Contrasts, contradictions, internal conflicts in PASOK in 1974-1990”, with SYRIZA MP Nina Kassimatis with whom he traded a warm handshake. The president of PASOK in his speech described the “print” of PASOK at important moments of his course and referred to the treaty of broad political impact on the centre left. “Many though they tried to replace PASOK they did not succeed, because their plan was shallow,” he stressed.