Pancreatic Cancer – The Mother in European Innovation

Pancreatic cancer (CPC) has an increased frequency worldwide and is predicted to be the second cause of cancer death in 15 years. He has poor prognosis because he is aggressive and diagnosis is usually done at an advanced stage, when he has already made metastases or involves critical arteries and veins around him, so he is considered unmanaged. The First Surgery Clinic of MOTHER has devoted itself to treating such patients over the past many years in direct and ongoing cooperation with the largest pancreatic centers in the USA (Mayo Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, Johns Hopkins), to make surgical patients conventionally considered to have uncontrolled tumors and thus to increase survival. The conversion of the unmanaged CP into surgery is the world’s most advanced field of oncology surgery because that is where the significant improvement of the prognosis is judged and sometimes the cure itself. This conversion is based on the faithful application of a systematic and organized protocol that includes proper and targeted chemotherapy, radiotherapy and radical surgery where the cancer-related arteries and veins together with the tumor are removed and then the reconstruction of these vessels with the so-called anasthema or bypass. Ciotus Gregory, Surgeon-General, Director The results we achieved with these surgeries, prove quadruple survival, and have been repeatedly published in American scientific journals, while we have many patients living healthy for 5, 7, 8, or 11 years. Since 2021 we have also moved on to removals of uncontrolled tumors that include critical arteries (such as liver, abdominal, mesenterium) and these incidents have also been published in American scientific journals, which objectively confirms the validity of methods and results. In close and harmonious cooperation with the oncology clinics and the radiotherapeutic department of hospital health, we have been applying pre-operative radiotherapy for the last 5 years in locally advanced tumors that are considered unoperable. This method is used in the major pan-European centres of the United States, but not yet in Europe, outside the Netherlands, and so we are in the European forefront and in this area. Our first results in 26 patients showed an increase in surgical efficacy to 69% and were presented at the World Radiotherapy Conference (New York, June 2024) and at the World Conference of Surgery of Pepticus (Washington DC, May 2024). The clinical data of our patients are collected in full, archived, classified and analysed statistically, so that we can provide the most valid and data-based information to our patients and their families on prognosis, efficacy, and the potential risks of all these therapeutic methods. These collective data are also the basis of scientific publications and announcements at the international conferences of Pancreatic Surgery in which we actively participate. Typically, our clinic participated with 6 scientific announcements at the European Conference of Hepatos-Pancreatos (Lyon, July 2023), 6 scientific announcements at the American Conference of Discipline Surgery (Washington DC, May 2024) and 5 scientific announcements at the American Conference of Pancreas (Cincinnati, July 2024). It is particularly important to point out that nothing would have been achieved if there had not been very close cooperation with leading colleagues of the Health Hospital in other non-surgical specialities, such as gastroenterologists in the endoscopic ultrasound for the most accurate diagnosis of pancreatic tumors, cytologists and pathologists, and of course, as previously mentioned, oncologists and radiotherapists. The CP is a very difficult disease and pancreatic surgery the most demanding technical, as it is universally recognised, but a surgical team, as good and experienced as it is, cannot function unless there is direct cooperation with qualified, dedicated and recognized colleagues where everyone in their own sector provides the highest possible services to these patients. In MOTHER, this high-level cooperation has been implemented and that is why our Clinic can operate with all the details of the Reference Center.