Pain in the belly: The 7 kinds and what each one means

The pain in the wider area of the abdomen can occur from something you ate or some health problem that has not… been diagnosed officially by a physician.
Small differences in the location of pain or symptoms that accompany the pain can indicate the cause of the complaints.

See seven representative examples and what problem it indicates each of them.
1. Burning in the chest
Possible cause: Acid reflux
When the acids of the stomach regress to the esophagus, manifested a burning sensation in the chest, mainly in the bone of the sternum. The crisis of gastroesophageal reflux disease is usually triggered or aggravated by specific foods, which may vary from patient to patient.
2. Pain around the belly button
Possible cause: Appendicitis
The pain of appendicitis is initially mild and persistent, and manifests itself around the belly button. As the condition worsens, the pain becomes more intense and spreads to the right hip. Appendicitis is an emergency, so an immediate visit to the nearest hospital.
3. Sharp pain under the ribs
Possible cause: gallstones
The gallstones are formed by the crystallization of cholesterol and of liquid of bile. It may be small in size as a pea or large enough as a golf ball. If a stone blocking the gallbladder, it is acute pain that usually intensifies after the consumption of a meal. The pain is focused under the ribs, since the height of the abdomen is the gallbladder.

4. Burning in the stomach
Possible cause: Ulcer
If the stomach pain is chronic and worsens after eating, probably due to ulcer. Unlike heartburn, which is felt at the breastbone, the pain of the ulcer focuses on the stomach or lower.
5. Generalized pain and diarrhea
Possible cause: lactose Intolerance
In people who have sensitivity or lactose intolerance, the discomfort after the consumption of dairy products is quite generalized. The crisis is often accompanied by bloating, gas and diarrhea.
6. Cramps and chronic diarrhea
Possible cause: Sensitivity to gluten
People who are allergic to gluten or suffering from celiac disease (gluten intolerance) exhibit bloating, gas and abdominal cramps following the consumption of foods produced from wheat, barley or rye.
7. Pain accompanied by diarrhea with blood and fever
Possible cause: Colitis or Crohn’s Disease
In addition to the pain in the abdomen, inflammatory diseases of the bowel accompanied by gas, cramping, bloating, diarrhea, traces of blood, nausea and fever.

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