Lincoln-Hamlin “Continentals No. 1” Portrait Ribbon, ca. 1860
Image by Cornell University Library
(Title) Blasters with serious health problems can do the necessary tests because they managed to gather the necessary stamps. Intervention did last class forces Piraeus
«Suddenly, about three months has foot problems. Has begun to paralyze a little bit. Can no longer stand upright. Since last year made only 65-days may not be endorsed the booklet. How it works now the situation is? We have three young children to feed. Want to reach our limits now xeftilas ;».
phrases is “cry of dismay” Litsa, wife of George R., 46, Blasters. He may no longer be kalomilisei and has begun to show problems and the articulation of speech. For five presses (70 required by law Petralia for sealing of the book), by the end of February, and thousands more workers of Naval Zone, are uninsured! For … “bad luck” then just got sick. The money is there to make the specialized examinations (magnetic, CT, etc.) to diagnose disease and treat it, so that “argolionei” in front of his wife and children.
While the families of workers in the zone say the bread rolls, the … “Patriots’ owners, whose interests all governments have turned into” most holy “in a demonstration of profitability, according to the« Lloyds List », the first 6 months of 2010, and certainly in the midst of crisis, ordered 122 other vessels in foreign shipyards, of course, worth $ 5 billion!
UNFORTUNATELY it plays into the game … Always resiliency GREEK GOVERNMENT WHICH IS NOT DARE to bring the slightest doubt SHIPOWNERS IN BIG AND SPONSORS OF THE NATION …
pinch TV
Tilden-Grant Novelty Advertising Cards, ca. 1876
Image by Cornell University Library
Taylor “Forget Me Not” Portrait Snuff Box
Image by Cornell University Library