Olympiacos: Knockout Fournier and Papanikolaou with Bayern

Without him and Kostas Papanikolaou will join Bayern Munich (10/1/2025) in the SEF for the 20th Euroleague race. Both Evan Fournier and Kostas Papanikolaou cannot strengthen Olympiacos in the difficult home game with Bayern Munich due to virus. CORVERSE “Unfortunately we are in a bad timing, as Papanikolaou and Fournier will not fight due to flu. The rotation will be small, plus some minor injury problems,” George Bartzokas told Media Day. With Papanikolau and Fournier out of action, Olympiacos’ only clean small forward is now Sakil McKishik, while Dorsey, Larentzakis and Peters will have an upgraded role. It is recalled that out of action for Olympiacos still remains Moses Wright (except for seasons) and Keenan Evans (break of an epigonatian tendon), with the second not yet taking part in an official game.