Olympiacos – Baskonia 92-69: The Pirates with Fournier and Milutinov in Euroleague are unstoppable

He made a “party” against Basconia for the 11th race in and got an imposing 92-69 victory in deification from his fans at the SEF. Despite the absence of Sasha Vezenkov, Olympiacos was unstoppable against Baskonia and with Fournier and Milutinov doing whatever they want on the floor, “streaked” the Basques in the 11th Euroleague race. George Bartzokas’ team thus continued its winning streak in the event and with its 6th consecutive win it rose to 8-3 in the ranking, throwing guests to 4-7. Olympiacos started the game badly in defense and Baskonia took the lead in the first few minutes, achieving 24 points in the first quarter of the game. The Piraeus team “answered” however with a… Evan Fournier show, which was made early “two-digit” and allowed Bartzokas’ team to close the quarter with the score in 30-24 in its favor. In the second quarter, Olympiacos appeared improved in defense, but continued to “shoot” from afar and with Milutinov becoming a player of the game inside the racket, he “exploded” his difference from Baskonia. The Pirates even closed the period with 8/14 three-pointers, for the 56-38 of the half. After the rest, Olympiacos appeared a little… relaxed and made several mistakes in the attack, with Baskonia reducing to 13 points, but Milutinov again gave the solution with new offensive rebounds and scores inside the racket. Peters also gave help, at the time Fournier was made by score creator and reached 8 assists for the Pirates. Thus, the difference was even greater at the end of the third quarter, after Olympiacos led 73-53 at 30′′. In the last period, Olympiacos dropped rhythms, with Bartzokas pulling quickly on the bench and the protagonists, Fournier and Milutinov, to give time to all players. Baskonia thus managed to “gather” the difference a little, but without changing anything in the development of the race. The Pirates even stepped on the gas in the last few minutes and easily reached victory, with the final score at 92-69.