A drug addict circulating in the wider area is, according to perfectly valid information, the 61-year-old gambling store owner on Sunday night at . Homicide analysts through the material collected from the area’s store cameras managed to decode the killer’s movements and know his profile and essentially identify him. CORVERSE Now the investigation is moving fast and it’s only a matter of time before they get to his trail and arrest him. As they say well-informed sources the drug addict eyed the agency and waited for the right time to strike. So when just before 21:00 on Sunday night the 60-year-old was alone and was about to close he went in holding a knife in his hand He asked for the money and probably the owner who realized he was a drug addict tried to kick him out first with the bat. CORVERSE When he attacked him with the knife and hit him he left the bat and went to grab the shotgun he had hidden inside the agency. Then the drug addict got the chance to grab the bat and hit him in the head. He then grabbed the cash register, onto his rush threw her down and disappeared.
Old Faliro: Toxicomaniac behind the brutal murder of the 61-year-old – How the police got to his tracks
in Greece