NOW – Elections SW : The first results of the Crete

Directive to remain open the polls until all the votes are in, the voters have received from the ΚΕΦΕ.D. the local committees, as well as…
despite the extension of a time given, the queues are still very large in many polling centers.
Around 8.20 in the evening they closed most of the polls
First results of the Crete
Μειμαράκης 64
Mitsotakis 38
Τζιτζικωστας 32
Γεωργιαδης 8
Μειμαράκης 81
Mitsotakis 34
Discover 74
Georgiadis 3
Mitsotakis 80
Meimarakis 105
Discover 17
Georgiades 0
118 Meimarakis
117 Mitsotakis
24 Georgiadis
8 Discover
Agii Deka :
Μειμαράκης 70
Mitsotakis. 59
Discover 23
Georgiadis 01
Viannos :
Mitsotakis 28
Discover 9
Georgiadis 3
Meimarakis 93
Mitsotakis 60
Discover 23
Georgiades 2
Αυγενάκης: Turn on gravity, turn on reforms
“It started the countdown of SYRIZA, counting weeks now…
The productive society, friends and members of the centre-Right power at the site of the New Republic through the great participation today sent a strong message.
We’re changing course, turning on the gravity, turning to the reforms, an end to the left experiments.”

And the prime Minister of England, an advocate of the electronic cigarette: electronic cigarette is a main way of improving the health of the nation”

The subject of the e-cigarette and high success rates in smoking cessation has arrived at the highest political level in the United Kingdom, with prime minister David Cameron to stresses, following a parliamentary question, that…
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