“Not even an inch of land in the Sheikh-without-a-tree…”

The goal set by the municipal authority of the municipality of Neapoli-Sykies not… there is “neither an inch of land without a tree in the burned areas of the forest of Seih-sou, is achieved more and more as well as multiply the dynamic excursions of tree planting and reforestation.
In this context, was held with great success last dash-“attack” life in a burned area of the suburban forest, which was the result of a fire in August 2011. And in this tree-planting involved more than 600 volunteers, many clubs and environmental organizations, in response to the great call of the administration of the municipality of Neapolis-Sykies.
Particularly optimistic note was the attendance and participation of families with their young children, as well as students, warming even more the climate that evolved into a great celebration of the environment. Dynamic, however, was the participation of members of clubs and times, as among these the φιλοζωικός association Πέυκων “take Care”, “Eco-Vision”, the Hunting Association of Thessaloniki, high School of Pine trees, the Club Runner of Thessaloniki, scouts from the Mound and the Taking, the Lions (White Tower, Heraclea, Egnatia, Thermaikos, Philip), the Academy of Dance of Pine trees, the Women’s Association “Ariadne”, the Cultural Αιμοδοτικός Association of Pine, etc.
All together, under the guidance of specialized service strains, poured by in the morning on the slopes which are “occupied” with… weapons of the hoe and the shovel, to water the burnt forest with their own love.
Within a few hours, in the place of “Mobile home” were planted more than 10,000 broad-leaved, coniferous and aromatic shrubs (oak, calabrian pine, wicker, κελτίς, judas trees, cypress, rosemary, κουκουναριά, etc.), covering more than 25 acres of the approximately 65 acres. who were burned in August of 2011. The volunteers were given spades and shovels, with their specialists to give instructions for the correct way of planting, to honor all participants with a symbolic commemorative certificate.
“With a sense of responsibility…”
“What we saw today, with hundreds of volunteers, parents with small children, students, young people and environmentally-friendly organizations and clubs, only messages of optimism and hope they send. We congratulate them all and thank them for having responded to our challenge. It turns out that the feeling of responsibility towards the forest and the environment, which is our big home, it flares up and generalized, realizing increasingly more that the protection is everyone’s business, something that is expressed in active participation in similar actions and initiatives,” said the mayor of Neapolis-Sykeon, Simos Daniilidis who was present in the area of tree planting and had its own participation in the tree planting, along with deputy mayors, municipal and local consultants.
As mentioned, the municipality of Neapoli-Sykies “, apart from the education, sport, culture, the social is first, and the environmental”. “We don’t want to leave there’s not an inch of the suburban forest of Seih-sou, which may not be modified. This site, which burned down relatively recently, it’s time to account, which was launched in cooperation with the competent Services and the municipality of Thessaloniki, and will continue to cover the entire area. The response of hundreds of families and even with their babies, volunteers and clubs, give us strength and momentum to expand our initiatives”, he stressed.
Note that the last dash of tree planting at the Sheikh-the third in the series carried out by the municipality by mobilizing hundreds of volunteers, local associations and institutions, in the context of stable policy and actions for the protection of the environment and of the suburban forest of Thessaloniki. Similar dynamic campaigns prior to the 2014 and 2015 in the Pines (the place “Cemeteries”), and Seih-sou, with more than 2,000 volunteers have αναδασώσει about 800 acres of δενδροφυτεύοντας approximately 25,000 trees.
And this campaign was organized by the Office of Environment and Green of municipality, with the cooperation of the Directorate of Reforestation of Central Macedonia and the Decentralized Administration of Macedonia-Thrace, offers and shrubs, and the Department of Civil Protection of the municipality of Thessaloniki. Felt the presence and participation of members of Voluntary Διασωστικής Group Response to Disasters and Διασωστικής Group of St. Paul, who were on the lookout for the provision of first aid or cover any other emergency.

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