Nicholas De Gress – Golden Vardinoyannis: The brilliant ceremony, the reception at a warehouse and the blue blood guests

The first big wedding of the year is a fact – in a few 24 hours, the in love couple and will be before God and men to join in the holy bonds of marriage. Nicholas De Gress and Chrysi Vardinoyannis meet their bright guests on the coming Friday (07.02.2025) at the Holy Temple of St. Nicholas Ragava, where they will “host” this sacred union. CORVERSE Just before this joyous news, Aris Kavantikis was shared today (04.02.2025) with the audience of the show “Go Danai”, new details of the wedding ceremony and reception that will follow. The couple, as reported by the journalist, will marry Metropolitan Kissamos and Selinos, Amfilochios and next to him will be the prosygel of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens, Barnabas Theocharis and father Alexios. As for the reception, this will take place in a specially designed warehouse in Piraeus, while one day before the wedding, Anna Maria will prepare for her guests a family dinner. CORVERSE It is worth noting that from Spain will come Queen Sophia, along with her sister, Princess Irene and from Denmark, Sofia’s other sister, Benedict with her three children. The couple, on Sunday morning, February 2, received the blessing from Archbishop Jerome.