And they’re all set for both their marriage and the party that will take place the day before the mystery to their guests. Every day a series of new information comes to light. The son-in-law has reportedly requested that the church of St. Nicholas Ragava in Plaka should not be adorned. As broadcast on Mega’s show “Buongiorno”, adornment will not remind the sister of Theodora with Matthew Kumar in the Metropolis of Athens. Then the people who had gathered outside the church, . The images had made the round of social media and had been commented on several ways. Nicholas De Gress and Golden Vardinoyannis, want their marriage to be simpler. CORVERSE According to reports on the wedding day (Friday, February 7th) there will be special security measures, so that the couple’s guests will not notice anything unexpected and arrive to the church quickly. They will close roads and it will be difficult to get close to the church, those who do not have the necessary invitation. The couple, as reported by the journalist, will marry Metropolitan Kissamos and Selinos, Amfilochios and next to him will be the prosygel of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens, Barnabas Theocharis and father Alexios. According to the report, the Byzantine standard will be observed at least with regard to the specific leg and even the crowns, it is expected to be family heirlooms. Also, within the church there is expected to be a small choir that will play Byzantine music. As for the reception, this will take place in a specially designed warehouse in Piraeus, while one day before the wedding, Anna Maria will prepare for her guests a family dinner. It is worth noting that from Spain will come Queen Sophia, along with her sister, Princess Irene and from Denmark, Sofia’s other sister, Benedict with her three children.
Nicholas De Gress – Golden Vardinoyannis: Marriage with special security measures, the groom’s desire for adornment
in Lifestyle