Nancy Nikolaidou: We do not have a TV confrontation – show in Buongiorno

About the collaboration with MEGA’s morning zone and the frequent on-air confrontations between Buongiorno’s team spoke or in the new interview he gave this week in OK! magazine and the journalist Asteris Kasimatis. “We have a discussion at the panel. If viewers are to be embarrassed by a morning show, that’s definitely not ours. We do not have a television confrontation-show” noted the well-known journalist and telecritics, Nancy Nikolaidou. ADVERSE “What you try to imply is another. You mean the fights and the show for the show. We have never disagreed to serve the scalpel or to say: let us disagree now, because this may have sold tomorrow.” “I feel very good being in a company that has the honesty of emotion and the honesty of reaction. This is perfectly honest with the viewers, who understands who are those show-settling groups and who are the ones that go out on the “air” and manage the news, with each member seeing it at their own glance” added Nancy Nikolaidou.