N. Νυφούδης: Listening to the cries of the exporters that?

Statement of Nikos Νυφούδη, responsible Export Sector in the River for the consecutive negative decline in exports…
“There the government the River you may not want to hear. But the producers will make an effort to hear them? Entrepreneurs can change the economic destiny of this country, will hear them?
Exports are collapsing. Recorded the worst retreat in four years. Fell below eur 12 billion for the first half of 2016, according to the Panhellenic Exporters ‘ Association (MAI). Percentage? An 8.1% drop.
The everyday heroes of export have been left to fend for themselves without funding and without support from the competent bodies. Struggling with the constant increase of taxes and contributions that endanger the sustainability of even the few healthy businesses that have remained in the country.
In view of the TIF, the representatives of exporters of Northern Greece were found at the Maximos Mansion, and raised again the liquidity problems that threaten their viability and inhibit the growth of exports. They asked among other things to be exploited and other financial tools, to help speed up the legislative framework for red loans and to be repaid directly to the credit balance in VAT.
The River insist on proclaiming that the growth of Exports is an absolute priority for the rebound of the country and the definitive exit from the crisis. Exports of means of euro in the country businesses are closing, going bankrupt, falling apart.
The previous times the cries of the exporters went to the window. Now you hear?”