MyDATA universal application comes, electronic invoice, digital clientele and shipping card – What will the “I.R. O.S.’

The 4 new digital – electronic tools against it, which will be put into operation from 2025, presented yesterday (21.11.2024), among other things, the leadership of the Ministry of Finance and its in a special event, which took place at the Zappeion Palace. In parallel, in addition to anti-taxation instruments, at the level of controls, a joint operational infrastructure is created for the special tax and customs forces of AADE, which handle the most demanding tax and smuggling cases in the field: the Economic Trade Control Forces (EDO). The first measure against tax evasion, which is the universal declaration of revenue – expenses of a business on myDATA from 1 January 2025 . At the same time, the new myDATAapp application will be launched before the end of 2024 which will allow businesses to issue and transmit documents such as invoices and retail receipts directly to myDATA platform via smartphone or tablet. The second measure is the start of the Digital Customerage in January 2025 . The Digital Clientbook is essentially a digital book of customers that will observe certain branches of freelance professionals and professionals. It will be monitored by AADE in real time online, while there will be the possibility of crossings and comparisons with similar businesses. The Digital Customer Register will start from branches such as garages, lamp houses, car wash and parking spaces and will be extended to other branches within 2025. The third measure is the launch of the mandatory implementation of the Digital Shipping Bulletin in early 2025 . With the Digital Shipping Bulletin, companies are required to issue digital traffic documents and transmit their data to the digital platform myDATA. In this way, the tax authorities will have a full picture of the product being traded at all stages of trafficking. The fourth measure is the universal expansion of the Electronic Invoice. The Electronic Invoice is already in the everyday life of thousands of businesses and its compulsory use is to be extended to all sectors of the Economy. Previously, approval by the European Commission is expected and the aim is to launch this important action within the second half of next year.