MyCAR: What are the 11 cases where vehicle stillness is to be declared as DUS

The hands have solved the platform to those drivers who want to put their digital stillness, as it has simplified and speeded up the processes by removing a very unnecessary bureaucratic burden. However, there are no missing and those cases where myCAR platform is not enough and drivers must follow the traditional methods to put their vehicles in motion. As the Independent Public Revenue Authority (ADE) reports in a number of cases since November 15, 2024, in a number of cases the immobility is stated in the competent DOU/KEVODE, through the digital application “My Requests” at the myADE digital portal, on the route My Requests > New Request > Taxation > Cars > Immobility due to theft, etc. These cases are: Stealing or embezzlement of the vehicle’s Traffic Vehicle to the external Transport of the vehicle which has not been completed by a public authority with the vehicle’s traffic data removing the vehicle’s traffic data from a public delivery authority at the premises of the Alternative Management of Vehicles Greece (EDOE) in order to permanently remove it from the vehicle by recycling Total destruction of the vehicle due to fire or other cause of Separation of the vehicle. Any other case where the owner or owner of the vehicle is not in possession of either the vehicle or its traffic data (licence and signs). Death of the owner of the vehicle, where the immobility is declared by its heirs (as long as no registration has been issued in their name) Traffic data are kept by the owner/holder (e.g. heir) on his own responsibility.