Muratide for Mazonaki: “From completely unknown I made him first name”

He was hosted on the Action show 24 Stardust and among other things he spoke about his cooperation with . “With Mazonakis there was also no field of understanding, but was a sponge. I took him to a movie, theater, Epidaurus and had him listen to a CD stack. Now all that is? I took him from the basement and took him to the first store to sing. He crossed it, passed into the orchestra and went to the dressing room. He didn’t talk to them. I said, ‘ Didn’t you greet your musicians? Go and greet them one by one because from now on your family” said Nikos Mouratidis. CORVERSE “He posted these monster videos. He raised these monsters himself and the audience. But so did he, from his house. I was ashamed. I had worked with all the greats of Greek discography. 80%. But I never did what I did with Mazonakis. To take a complete stranger and make him first name. I did it and I rested,” he continued. ADVERSE “When we stopped working – don’t ask me why – I saw it going well. When I had asked him what career you wanted to do, he had answered “Tolis Voskopoulos”. And we said “okay”. He made some irregularities like the Gucci dress but they came out. There was a year he sang both Phoivos and Kraounakis”, he concluded.