Movement for Emancipation of Disabled people: “Zero Tolerance”: “the Alpha and The Omega of the evolution of culture is the creation of transverse routes”

In times of ΔΥΣΚΟΛΟΥΣ an initially small group of disabled people empowered and ακηδεμόνευτων attempts a lateral path in order to create cracks in the status quo, to challenge it openly, but a creative…
so-called national wheelchair movement and to achieve through the expanded activities of the course. To claim it for/me/and people with disabilities.
The occupation of the central IKA on June 6, 2011, on the occasion of the circular 37 and the memory horizontal cuts in the tools dignity of people with disabilities from the emerging MOVEMENT ΧΕΙΡΑΦΕΤΗΣΗΣ Disabled: ZERO TOLERANCE defined, and the subsequent mode of operation.
Spontaneously, but lucid at the same time, the feeling of zero tolerance translated into practice. Unique weapon, the power of truth. It turned out that the power of truth, when this is expressed απενοχοποιημένα, clearly and emancipated, has no opponent. Rushing to share, communicate, reinforce and redirect all of/all those who/those that first of all inside the identify. This, and the only real process of emancipation. When the “staff” is so clearly conscious that it becomes self-evident “social”.
They followed dozens of speeches, sit-ins, collaborations, enlargement of the agenda claim with rightful reason, and a consequence.
We broke the boxes that define the rules of racism the scope of assertion, and participated without fear but with a lot of passion to the claims of other movements, reminding us that disability is a universal experience and is found everywhere.
After 5 years of continuous activism, we have decided to temporarily suspend our actions.
Regroup, review and inclusive education.
We want to thank you from my heart/the companions/ισσες, collectives, movements and the movements involved in the struggle for the rights of the people and they had the agenda to claim our own case.
We thank them and feel while deep justified/s. The response and their activation in fighting and frontal variants of action that express the zero plus tolerance of Disabled people in decisions and actions that threaten directly the dignity, was the main goal.
It has now activated the process of social emancipation with a wider social perception.
Zero tolerance to things that violate the boundary line of the dignity of people with disabilities!
The struggle continues.
Movement for Emancipation of Disabled people: ZERO TOLERANCE
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