Mother child footballer slapped referee in game in Andalusia

Shocking incident in Spain and especially Andalusia. One was the negative protagonist, in a match between children aged 10 and 11, after attacking and hitting him . Immediately after the end of the Alhedin and Albolote boys’ game in Andalusia, a mother footballer of the guest team entered the playing field, approached the referee and slapped him with strength! The initially surprised referee, pushed her away, in his attempt to avoid a second blow on her part, to then enter among them some more calm and separate them. This, however, did not prevent the furious mother from continuing to curse the referee! LAMENTABLE lo que ha pasado en un partido de alevines de la 3a Andaluza entre Alhendín y Español de Albolote con una madre del equipo visitante agrediendo al árbitro. — Radio Marca Granada (@rmarcagranda) And all that, the moment the little footballers shook hands after the end of their team game.